Margaret Grant is a fiction writer from rural Vermont. Her collection of braided short stories, From Here, was a finalist for the 2019 Hudson Prize from Black Lawrence Press and the St. Lawrence Book Award. She is a former workshop leader for the Burlington Writers Workshop and past managing editor of Mud Season Review. Margaret’s writing appears in Flash Fiction Magazine (February 26, 2017), Kenyon Review Online (July/August 2018), Slush Pile Magazine (Issue24), and Pangyrus LitMag (May, 2022).
Before turning to writing full time Margaret worked as a farm hand, horse trainer, housecleaner, grant writer, nonprofit administrator, and more. She has kept a journal since she was eleven and is still conflicted as to what constitutes the perfect notebook for this purpose.
Margaret relearns daily the simple lesson that a good day is the direct result of a stretch of writing first thing in the morning. Fortunately she has a smart dog who reminds her of this by looking pointedly at the stairs up to the study.
A lover of beautiful writing and the delicious use of language, Margaret is apt to read aloud to her dog because some sentences are just too beautiful to leave in silence. Inspiration comes from the rolling and steep landscape of her home state, which strikes a tone deep in her heart in a way she does not understand, but could not live without.